#7825 myops

Small-eyed Sphinx

Paonias myops (Smith, 1797)

Family: Sphingidae

Status: Occasional local resident

Larval Hostplant(s): Cherry (Prunus), Serviceberry (Amelanchier) and Linden (Tilia).

Range: Found throughout the United States but more frequently in the eastern half of the continent.

NENHP Ranking: Not listed

Broods/Flight Times: Nebraska records (from May to August, peaking in June and July) indicate one extended brood. A second occurs in southern portions of its range.

Habitat: Near hostplants, often in wooded areas.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 3/4 – 3 Inches

Found at: Box Elder WMA, Gilbert-Baker WMA, Hackberry Creek WMA, Homestead NM, Indian Cave SP, Niobrara Valley Preserve, Rowe Sanctuary, Wildcat Hills SRA, Willow Creek SRA.

Overwintering: As pupae in leaf litter or in the soil.

Similar Species: The Twin Spotted Sphinx has two blue spots on the HW and the base of the HW is pink on the Blinded Sphinx.

Notes: Adults do not feed.

🔗Links: Moth Photographers Group, BugGuide.net.

Small-eyed Sphinx