Pawnee and Western Branded Skippers – Big Year Species 100 and 101

This past Saturday (Aug 22) Jonathan Nikkila and I made a late summer trip (an annual for me, Jon’s first) to Ash Hollow State Historical Park at the west end of Lake McConaughy in Garden County to look for skippers and swallowtail larvae. There was a high haze all day which the evening weather saidContinue reading “Pawnee and Western Branded Skippers – Big Year Species 100 and 101”

White-M Hairstreak

Joanne Langabee and her friend Holly have been doing weekly butterfly surveys at Fonenelle Forest and Lauritzen Gardens for a few years now (three and five years respectively). In doing so they have observed the comings and goings of quite a number of species and gotten a handle on when and where a particular speciesContinue reading “White-M Hairstreak”