Cedar County Bonanza

Recently Steve Spomer (UNL) came in contact with an amazing moth enthusiast in Cedar County. It turns out that Eric Strehlow had a childhood interest in insects that was rekindled around 15 years ago. Since that time he has been hugely successful in developing and refining bait traps to attract moths in the oak woodlandsContinue reading “Cedar County Bonanza”

A Doug Long state record Anaea aidea – Tropical Leafwing

On October 26 1996 Doug found this butterfly in his backyard in Holbrook NE. If I recall correctly he said it was on a watermelon rind he had left in the garden to attract butterflies. Well I guess it worked. Most people (myself included) would have thought “Hey, that’s interesting, a Goatweed Butterfly”. (The GoatweedContinue reading “A Doug Long state record Anaea aidea – Tropical Leafwing”