Species Page: Rhesus Skipper (Polites rhesus)

Rhesus Skipper

Polites rhesus (W. H. Edwards, 1878)

Family: Hesperiidae

Status: Rare local resident

NENHP Ranking: S2, Tier 2

Range: The Rhesus Skipper is found from southern Saskatchewan southward through New Mexico. In Nebraska it occurs primarily in the panhandle, with the easternmost record being from Arthur County.

Larval Hostplant(s): Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis).

Broods/Flight Times: A single spring flight in May.

Overwintering: Probably as a fully-grown caterpillar, but the early emergence dates might also suggest the pupal stage.

Habitat: Short/mixed grass prairies.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 – 1 1/4 inches

Found at: I-80 Mile Marker 1, Wildcat Hills SRA

Similar Species:

Notes: Colonies are extremely local and may occupy a small area of seemingly extensive identical habitat.