Species Page: Field Crescent (Phyciodes pulchella)

Field Crescent

Phyciodes pulchella (Boisduval, 1852) formerly Phyciodes pratensis (Behr, 1863)

Family: Nymphalidae

Status: Rare resident

NENHP Rank: S1 Tier 2

Range: This species inhabits most of the western North America from central Alaska south to the Mexican border and east through Alberta and western portions of South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. It has been found in the panhandle portion of Nebraska.

Larval Hostplant(s): Larvae feed on various asters, those being recognized and occurring in the state being the panicled and white asters (Aster hesperius and A. ericoides).

Broods/Flight Times: At least two generations, becoming less numerous in later flights. Nebraska records are from May 23 – September 25, with most being in late May/early June.

Overwintering: The Field Crescent overwinters as a partially grown caterpillar.

Habitat: In Nebraska the Field Crescent has been found in canyons, along creeks and in pine bluffs.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 – 1 3/4 inches

Found at: Gilbert-Baker SWMA, I-80 Mile Marker 1, Wildcat Hills SRA

Similar Species: Other Crescents.
