Species Page: Apama Hairstreak (Callophrys affinis apama)

Apama / Western Green Hairstreak

Callophrys affinis apama (W. H. Edwards, 1882)

Family: Lycaenidae

Status: Rare resident

NENHP Rank: S1S2 Tier 2

Range: Various subspecies of C. affinis are found through much of the western United States. In Nebraska it has been found in the southwest corner of the panhandle.

Larval Hostplant(s): Buckwheats (Eriogonum sp.).

Broods/Flight Times: One extended flight from mid-May through June.

Overwintering: As pupae.

Habitat: Rocky knolls and prairies in the vicinity of their hostplants.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 – 1 1/8 inches

Found at: I-80 Mile Marker 1, Sidney I-80 East Rest Stop

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