Species Page: Zerene Fritillary (Argynnis zerene)

Zerene Fritillary

Argynnis zerene (Boisduval, 1852)

Family: Nymphalidae

Status: Rare resident

NENHP Rank: S1S2, Tier 2

Range: The Zerene Fritillary occupies roughly the northwestern quarter of the United States. In Nebraska it is found in the northwestern corner of the state.

Larval Hostplant(s): Several violets are documented, of which Yellow Prairie Violet (Viola nuttallii) occurs in Nebraska where this fritillary has been found. Other violets are found in the same area but have not been verified as hostplants.

Broods/Flight Times: There is one flight. The few Nebraska records are from June 28 – July 30.

Overwintering: As unfed caterpillars.

Habitat: It has been reported from the Pine Ridge area.

Avg. Wingspan: 2 1/8 – 2 3/4 inches

Found at: Sowbelly Canyon, Wildcat Range (Banner County)

Similar Species: Mormon and Coronis Fritillaries

Notes: There are but a handful of records for this butterfly from the state, where it is found in Pine Ridge habitats. It was last reported in the state in 1994 by Steve Spomer and Jim Reiser. All suspected records should be referred to specialists for verification.