Species Page: Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea)

Falcate Orangetip

Anthocharis midea (Hubner, [1809])

Family: Pieridae

Status: Rare, possibly extirpated resident.

NENHP Rank: Not listed

Range: Occupies almost the eastern half of the United States with the exception of Minnesota, peninsular Florida, and the Gulf Coast. In Nebraska there are old records from the southeastern portion of the state.

Larval Hostplant(s): Select members of the mustard family (Brassicaceae).

Broods/Flight Times: One spring flight, April and May in Missouri (Heitzman and Heitzman, 1987).

Overwintering: As chrysalids.

Habitat: Open woods and riparian areas.

Avg. Wingspan: 1 3/8 – 1 3/4 inches

Found at:

Similar Species: None

Notes: Nebraska records (nearly 100 years old) are the farthest northwest this species has been found in North America. Males and females are dramatically dimorphic with only the males having the “orangetip”.