#7893 galli

Gallium Sphinx

Hyles galli (Rottemburg, 1775)

Family: Sphingidae

Status: Rare stray?

Range: Found across Canada and the northern United States with Nebraska being near the southern edge of its range.

Larval Hostplant(s): Bedstraws (Gallium), and willow herbs (Epilobium)

NENHP Ranking: Not listed

Broods/Flight Times: One extended summer flight.

Habitat: Sandy, calcareous or recently burned habitats where its hostplants thrive.

Avg. Wingspan: 2 1/2 – 3 Inches

Found at:

Overwintering: As pupae on/near the soil surface.

Similar Species: Similar the Spurge Hawk Moth where the red of the HW is more extensive and the olive-colored band on the forewings is interrupted.


đź”—Links: Moth Photographers Group, BugGuide.net