Species Page: Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae)

Cloudless Sulphur

Phoebis sennae (Linnaeus, 1758)

Family: Pieridae

Status: Breeding stray. Numbers vary yearly.

NENHP Rank: Not listed

Range: The Cloudless Sulphur inhabits both Americas, ranging south as far as Patagonia. In North America it is a permanent resident as far north as the Gulf Coast and along the Atlantic seaboard up to North Carolina. From there it strays northward to the Canadian border, being absent only in the Pacific Northwest. It has been found throughout Nebraska, but becomes common only in the south and southeast.

Larval Hostplant(s): Prefers Cassia species, of which Partridge Pea and Wild Senna (C. fasciculata and C. marilandica) occur in Nebraska.

Broods/Flight Times: Flies throughout the year in its “home” range

Overwintering: Not in our area.

Habitat: It has been found to congregate around extensive stands of hostplants.

Avg. Wingspan:  2 1/4 – 3 1/8 inches

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Notes: Females are more heavily marked than males and also can be albinic.

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