Species Page: Greenish Blue (Icaricia saepiolus)

Greenish Blue

Icaricia saepiolus (Boisduval, 1852)

Family: Lycaenidae

Status: Rare resident

NENHP Rank: S1 Tier 2

Range: The Greenish Blue is found from central Alaska south into northern Arizona and New Mexico, and east through southern Canada and the northern United States to the Atlantic Coast in Maine and New Brunswick. In Nebraska it has been found in the northwestern corner of the state.

Larval Hostplant(s): Various clovers are recognized of which Alsike and White Clovers (Trifolium hybridum and T. repens) occur in Nebraska.

Broods/Flight Times: There is one early-mid summer flight. In Nebraska limited data places its flight from May 28 – June 8. Marrone (2002) reports a flight period from May 30 – July 27 in South Dakota where it is more common.

Overwintering: As half-grown caterpillar.

Habitat: Streamsides, open meadows, and roadsides in pine forests

Avg. Wingspan: 1 – 1 1/4 inches

Found at: Sowbelly Canyon

Similar Species:

Notes: Despite much research being done in the Pine Ridge region in the early 1900’s this species has not been reported in the state until 1982 and 1985, and then not again since.

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