Species Page: Callippe Fritillary (Argynnis callippe)

Callippe Fritillary

Argynnis callippe (Boisduval, 1852)

Family: Nymphalidae

Status: Uncommon/rare resident

NENHP Rank: S1, Tier 2

Range: The Callippe Fritillary is found from southern portions of British Columbia to Manitoba south through most of California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. In Nebraska it is recorded from Sioux, Scotts Bluff and Banner counties.

Larval Hostplant(s): Violets (Viola sp.)

Broods/Flight Times: There is one flight. Nebraska records are from June 19 – August 18. It undoubtedly flies earlier than June 19, but due to its rarity data is scarce. In South Dakota, where it is more numerous, Marrone (2002) reports it as occurring as early as June 6.

Overwintering: As a newly hatched larva.

Habitat: The scarps, valleys and roadsides of the Pine Ridge.

Avg. Wingspan:  2 – 2 1/2 inches

Found at: Gilbert-Baker SWMA, Wildcat Hills SRA

Similar Species: Edwards Fritillary

Notes: This, along with Edwards’ Fritillary, is one of the earlier flying Speyeria found in western Nebraska. Many years often pass between sightings. The most recent Nebraska records are 1969, 1997 and 2021, all single individuals.

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