#7746 io

Io Moth

Automeris io (Fabricius, 1775)

Family: Saturniidae

Status: Occasional resident

Range: Eastern United States extending west into Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico

Larval Hostplant(s): Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana, Dawes County) and Pawpaw (Asimina triloba, Indian Cave State Park) are verified from Nebraska.  Numerous other woody plants are listed as well of which Hackberry (Celtis), Willow (Salix), Redbud (Cercis) and Currants (Ribes) occur in the state.

NENHP Ranking: Not listed

Broods/Flight Times: Double brooded in the southeast (early and late summer), possibly single brooded northward flying from June into July.

Habitat: In/near deciduous woodlands.

Avg. Wingspan: 2 – 3 Inches

Found at: Indian Cave State Park, Fontenelle Forest, Niobrara Valley Preserve, Gilbert-Baker State Wildlife Management Area

Overwintering: As a pupa in a cocoon.

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🔗Links: Moth Photographers Group, BugGuide.net.

Io Moth – male
Io Moth – female
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